Law Offices of H. Manuel Hernandez, P.A. - H. Manuel Hernandez

H. Manuel Hernandez
Law Offices of H. Manuel Hernandez, P.A.
620 E. Club Drive
Longwood, Florida
United States 32779
Federal Crimes
Criminal Appeals
Delitos Federales
Apelaciones de Derecho Penal
H. Manuel Hernández has been an attorney for more than 30 years. He is dual Board Certified by the Florida Bar in Criminal Trial Law and Criminal Appellate Law, and is also Board Certified by the National Board of Trial Advocacy as a Criminal Trial Advocate. AV rated by the Martindale-Hubbell Directory, the highest rating bestowed on attorneys by this venerable and renowned legal publisher and bibliographer, Mr. Hernández is also listed by Martindale-Hubbell in “The Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers,” a listing of the most experienced and respected lawyers in America. In October of 1989, Mr. Hernandez opened his law office after having spent 10 years with the U.S. Department of Justice as a Trial Attorney in Washington, D.C., and an Assistant United States Attorney in various locations, including Orlando, Florida, San Juan, Puerto Rico and Denver, Colorado. His practice involves all aspects of litigation including criminal trials, appellate litigation, civil litigation, and administrative proceedings. Mr. Hernández has an of counsel* relationship with the law firm of Almeida & Davila, PSC located in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Mr. Hernández handles Federal Criminal Cases in the District of Puerto Rico. Mr. Hernández has also represented clients from different nationalities including the United Kingdom, Africa, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Perú, Canada, Spain, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Pakistan, France, Mexico and the Caribbean.
Bienvenidos a la página del licenciado H. Manuel Hernández, P.A. La selección de un abogado es siempre un trabajo difícil. Cuando usted o alguien que usted quiere es motivo de una investigación criminal o ha sido arrestado, o usted o alguien que usted conoce ha sido demandado o siente que un ser querido ha sido injustamente acusado y debe iniciar procedimiento legal, seleccionar un abogado no es sólo difícil, es también agotador y a veces puede ser desagradable. Si escoge el abogado incorrecto, puede hacer las cosas peor. Esta página ha sido diseñada para ayudarlo en su proceso de seleccionar el abogado que le va a aconsejar, a defender y ser su campeón. Es sólo el comienzo. El licenciado Hernández recibe con placer la oportunidad de discutir su caso por medio de correo electrónico, personalmente, por teléfono y eventualmente durante una consulta inicial gratuita.