Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen - Attorneys for Injured Persons since 1910

Attorneys for Injured Persons since 1910
Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen
1809 Staples Mill Road
Richmond, Virginia
United States 23230
Automobile Accident
Wrongful Death
Product Liability
Catastrophic Injury
Brain Injury
Accidentes Automovilisticos
Muerte por Negligencia
Productos Defectuosos
Heridas Catastroficas
Lesiónes Cerebrales
The Allen & Allen personal injury law firm is one of the oldest, largest and most experienced plaintiff’s personal injury firms in Virginia and the United States. We have seven attorneys listed in the book Best Lawyers In America. Our firm brings much more than a single lawyer to each case. Our 23 attorneys and more than 100 support staff members including claims consultants, accident investigators, legal assistants and nurse consultants are all dedicated to handling your claim. Each member of the Allen & Allen law firm brings experience, knowledge and the skills needed to make a difference in your personal injury case. For a free consultation, call us today at 866-388-1894.
Gracias por su interés en Allen & Allen. Desde 1910, somos un bufete de abogados que se especializa en casos de daños personales. Un daño personal puede llegar cuando menos lo esperamos. Nosotros entendemos que la tensión de un daño personal afecta, físicamente y emocionalmente, sin contar con la tensión adicional de las barreras del idioma. Es por eso, Allen & Allen tiene abogados y empleados bilingües que se comprometen a ayudar paso a paso. Desde accidentes automovilísticos a negligencia médica, nuestra experiencia y conocimiento nos permiten ofrecer a nuestros clientes un servicio superior.